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The Athlete Factory

I lift heavy…for a person.

I follow a bunch of athlete’s on instagram, one of which appears pretty hard core, (Bobby Ashhurst) today he posted a picture that said.. “Better sore than sorry” and “deadlift, because somewhere a girl is warming up with your max weight.” Are you kidding me? Here is the conversation that followed: susanknight: Because somewhere a girl is warming up with your […]


Weigh in #1

I stood on the scale today. Why? I have a weight category I want to be in at the Powerlifting Nationals in 2014. Let’s just say.. I have put on a TON of muscle… Yeah, that’s it.  BTW: I PROMISE this blog won’t all be about weight, but it’s part of my journey so therefor it’s going to be part of the […]



OK.. before I get into the sprinting stuff just an FYI: Thursday morning I woke up and my inner 13 year old was screaming, pissed off and irrational, all be it for a good reason. I promise a blog on that bit of fun later.    Now my “Sprint Mechanics Session” with the lovely Valentina Romanov. (Great name eh?) I was […]


Drive for 45 ~ Days 10 & 11

Back in the gym! I have been sick, and I’m still not 100% but enough was enough time to visit the squat rack again. As I drove to The Athlete Factory I had this sinking feeling in my stomach, almost as if the past year hadn’t been real.  Who was I kidding? Training for Nationals 2014? We all know how […]


Day 1

On my 44th Birthday I competed at the National Powerlifting Championships. It was a milestone in my life. I crashed and burned. DQ’ed after the back squat after not getting the required depth. I am not even going to go into what happened, let’s just say on the bright side.. I have an amazing support system that managed to salvage […]


52NEW National Record Holder (2)

Well it looks like I can add “National Record Holder” to my resume! I never expect this when I started powerlifting… and my trainer say’s we are only just beginning. It shall be interesting to see where this road leads! At the Calgary Festival of Strength on October 13th Back Squat – 295lbs (National Record – for age/weight) Bench Press […]


I failed… or did I?

I failed. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I am a powerlifter and I have been really working on my form, as we do the lifts over and over and over the proper form is beginning to stick. Much to my surprise I am even beginning to recognize when I am not using the proper form! […]