I just had to share this wonderful story about my nephew Kyle.

Kyle is 8, Kyle is awesome and Kyle wanted everyone to know.

Kyle was the ring bearer at Wade and Danielle’s wedding. Wade is the son of my sister’s husband’s brother.

Kyle was a dashing ring bearer and a handsome devil to be sure!


It seems Kyle got a little bored while at the rehearsal the night before the wedding, so he decided to spread the good word of Kyle and his awesomeness. He found donation envelopes at the church and wrote on the back of them “Kyle is Awesome!” He proceed to stuff these envelopes in the pew bibles for the guest to find on wedding day!

What he probably didn’t think of was that Mom was going to find one.

Mind you Mom already knows just how awesome Kyle is.



I hope as the years go on Kyle always remembers that; Kyle is awesome, because he truly is.

I also hope you take a moment to remind yourself just how awesome you are, perhaps even write it down on a few scrapes of paper and hide them around the house for you, or family members to find unexpectedly.

Kyle would want you to know that you are awesome as well, perhaps almost as awesome as he is.
